Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What’s In Your Bag?

We are a curious species. I’m not quite sure why that is, but people are fascinated by other people! It’s in our human nature to be inquisitive. We like to know what makes others tick. So we prod. We poke. We peer. We peek. We ask questions. And above all else, we observe. The casual on-looker can gather a lot of information about a person just by observing. The books you read, the music you listen to, the kind of drink you order and even the food you eat says something about you. If you’re reading this blog right now, chances are you’re curious about me. And whether we are tight friends or perfect strangers, I have to admit there’s something about you that I’m kind of curious about too. So what is it about our fellow human that has all of us so awfully intrigued?

The gossipy teenager. The bored housewife. The jealous lover. The perverted apartment super. It seems that people of all walks of life are engaged in all types of nosey activities! And while you personally may never take it to a seedy voyeuristic level, chances are you play a part in perpetuating the cycle. From picking up tabloid magazines and tuning into reality TV, to people watching on the street and Facebook stalking online. We poke our nose in everywhere it doesn’t belong. There’s even those that peak into their party host’s medicine cabinet - something I’ll never understand!

So when I came across the Flickr photo group "What In Your Bag?" I wasn't surprised. And just like 18,000+ of its members, I too was curious to see what’s in people’s bags! I have no idea why because in real life I couldn’t care less. But there’s something about it being displayed so openly on the Internet that makes me want to view the mobile contents of a stranger’s world. Perhaps to get a glimpse into who they are as a person. I've decided to dump out the contents of my own laptop messenger bag so you can get a glimpse of me.

Here is what I've found...

  • passport
  • sunglasses
  • pocket-sized Moleskine
  • pens
  • directions written in a stranger's handwriting
  • car keys
  • expired Metro card
  • USB thumb drive
  • 1 lonely condom
  • stack of business cards
  • pack of peppermint gum
  • iPod
  • cell phone
  • book - "Zen and the Art of Happiness" by Chris Prentiss
  • $3 left from a cabbie’s tip
  • a phone number of someone I don't remember meeting
  • stainless steel traveling coffee mug
  • blue stress ball
  • Targus cable lock
  • handheld wifi detector
  • misc CDs
  • various ID/security badges
  • eye drops
  • napkin doodle
  • cordless mouse
  • my laptop
  • and a crumbled up dry cleaning receipt

So what does this say about me (other than I carry too much junk and should clean out my bag more often)? I don't know. But I am curious to know what's in YOUR bag! It doesn't matter if it's a messenger bag, backpack, purse, or sack lunch. Dump out your junk and tell us what you have.

Every person that leaves a comment on this post will be automatically entered to win a new Rothco Heavyweight Classic Messenger Bag. Winner will be selected at random and announced this Friday, 8/6/10 on my blog here and on Twitter @davidstehle. Good luck!

This is not a paid post and my blog is not sponsored by any company in any way. This bag was originally offered to me, but since I already have a messenger bag, I thought one of you might benefit more from it. So basically, the only reason for the giveaway is because I love you, my readers.

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