Friday, August 6, 2010

The Journey Abroad

Currency conversions, unfamiliar tongues and foreign soils. There’s something inherently sexing and exciting about traveling abroad. Whether it’s for business or pleasure or both, I love to travel! I do my best to make as much time for travel as I can. Living out of a suitcase and battling through jet lag is not an uncommon occurrence for me. Sadly though, my passport is not as decorated as I wish because the bulk of my traveling is done in the States. I’m changing that though.

While most people put together a list of popular "must see places/must do things" for their trip, I prefer to go a different route. Forgoing tourist spots and hanging with the locals instead. What better way to get a REAL feel for another culture and the land than from the natives themselves? Learning their customs, sinking your taste buds in their food and engaging in the same activities they deem as entertainment.

When packing for a trip your mind runs in overdrive. You think of all the belongings you need to take and then try to downsize those same belongings to just the bare necessities to lighten your load. Once arriving at your destination, you begin soaking up your new surroundings and cramming in as new many experiences that your body can endure. Then when you arrive back home, you feel torn between feeling happy and sad.

A sense of melancholy washes over you that your trip has come to an end, thus forcing you to return to your daily grind and play catch-up to the life you’ve placed on hold. But you’re also elated that your trip has come to an end because now you’ve returned to what is familiar and comfortable – home. And now you are able to reflect on what your journey has taught you about the world. And more importantly, about yourself. That’s the gift of travel. It cleanses the mind and reinvigorates the soul. It helps redefine what our purpose in this life is and reminds us what living is all about.

Have you noticed I haven’t said where I’m going? I think I’m going to keep it a secret, at least for now. Because like traveling abroad, mysteries are sexing and exciting too. Or in the infamous words of my Father..."Wherever you go, there you are." Clearly my Father is not a man of flowery prose. And I’m not good at goodbyes. So for now, I’ll just say farewell. I have a blog post or two that is scheduled to auto-publish in my absence. And when I come back, may I be a better man. A happier man. A reinvigorated soul.

***Messenger Bag Giveaway Winner Announced!***
Thanks to everyone that participated in the "What's In Your Bag?" contest. I hope you had as much fun peeking into people’s bags (and lives) as I did. Using, I’ve selected the winner. And the winner of the Rothco Heavyweight Classic Messenger Bag is...Grace Boyle of Small Hands, Big Ideas! Very fitting since Grace is also a travel junkie. So I hope this bag serves you well. Congratulations to Grace!

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