Friday, November 20, 2009

How Blogging Is Like Oral Sex

I don’t read a lot of blogs.

There. I said it. I’ve owned up to it.

It’s not that I don’t care to, it’s just that I don’t have enough time to. So really, please don’t take this personal. If there were more hours in the day and more minutes in the hour, I would be all about blog browsing (or at least keeping up with my favorites). But you see, this thing called life gets in the way. I don’t mean that in an arrogant "I’m better than you and busier than you" kind of way. I mean that in a "I need to schedule designated blog browsing time into my life" kind of way. Between running my own company, traveling for work, finishing up my masters degree, MMA training, and being a puppy Dad...that leaves little free-time for me to socialize with family, friends, and date. And I’m just going to go out on a limp here and say that it probably would be frowned upon if I took my laptop to bed with me and launched Google’s RSS Reader to catch up on blogs while I was receiving pleasurable activities from my date. There is just something about naughty bits and reading blogs that don't mix. Sort of like how Playboy playmates and brains don't mix.

Recently someone sent me an e-mail stating that they’ve been reading my blog for the past year, but rarely ever comments. She wrote...

"The posts are entertainment enough, but I believe in reciprocity so feel like I should contribute sometimes! I guess I also kind of feel strange that I have been following your writing for over a year now, but in a lurking sort of way. You just share and I take and offer nothing."

Sometimes blogging can be a lot like oral sex. One person gives (the blogger writes a post) and the other receives (the reader enjoys their work). Sometimes the receiver reciprocates (the reader leaves a comment) and sometimes they don’t. Now I don't know about you, but I like my sex like I like my blogging. It should be a two-way street. However, I find myself often more happy with being the giver - in blogging and in oral sex. So in a way, I really don't mind if I don't receive. Still, it's nice to at least give your favorite bloggers a reach around (AKA, post a comment) every now and then to show them their work doesn't go unappreciated.

I've come to discover that only about 10% of people who actually read your blog will leave a comment. So you can't judge your readership base off of the number of comments you get. (And no, your own comments on your own blog don’t count because that's the equivalent of blowing yourself, padding your stats.) I have far more subscribers than actual commenters. That's just the nature of the blogosphere - most people read/lurk than interact. So if you want a more accurate depiction of the traffic you generate, you're better off looking at the number of subscribers you have or website hits you receive, rather than the comment total on any given post.

However, like I've always said, I don't write for comments. That's not what blogging is about. And I'm not comparing blogging to oral sex because I'm trying to hint to the fact that I want you all to suck my dick in a "I love your blog and want to have your baby" kind of way. No, only praise me when you feel praise is do. And only agree with me when you truly do. Otherwise, I want your honest feedback - good or bad, agree or disagree. Give me your insight. Because if we were all thought the same and all got along so swimmingly in this world, how boring would that be? Now I'm not encourage drama, I'm simply encouraging conversation - REAL conversation. Afterall, sometimes the best part about a blog isn't the post that is written, but rather the comments it receives and the conversation it starts. THAT is how blogging is like oral sex. It can generate an intellectual orgasm of the brain, a brain orgy of sorts.

I would like to comment more on other blogs, but when pressed for time, I refuse to be the douchebag that leaves the lame two-word "good post" remark. Therefore I only comment when I feel I have something insightful to say. Or when I'm having a particularly unproductive day and feel like running/surfing around and being a commentwhore. You'll know when those days hit because you'll see my stupid/slutty face stamped throughout the blogosphere. Consider yourself warned.

In closing, I just want to thank those that take the time to leave me comments here or e-mail their personal comments directly to me. I also want to thank those that ReTweet my posts and link to my blog from their little corner of cyberspace. And finally, I want to thank all of you that stimulate my brain and inspire me to keep writing. What I'm trying to say is I value your conversation. "You give good head." Conversation is as much a part of blogging as writing is. It's also why I encourage you to comment on other blogs and get the conversation going there as well. Now if you want to keep lurking, that's fine too. Just know that next week, those who get involved on my blog will be given a sweet reward! A VERY sweet reward. Like a poop your pants, holy shit kind. Trust me, it's good. It's my little way of saying thanks. Besides, it's almost that thankful and giving time of year again and I'm feeling extra festive!

Seriously, stay tuned. Because you won't want to miss this!

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