Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can’t Live Without

Over at (20 Something Bloggers) a question has been proposed. What’s essential to your life? What can’t you live without, even when money is tight? What’s most important to you?

Being the tech whore that I am, I’m sure you are thinking I’m going to say I can’t live without the Internet or some coveted gadget like my laptop, iPod, TIVO, or cell phone. While all those things are pretty important to me and I would definitely miss them if they were stripped away, I can honestly say that I could survive without them...I think. It would be difficult and I would surely tremble and weep, but I think I could detox eventually. So what can’t I physically live without? Well scratch off the obvious which is air, water, food and sex. Now this is what's left...

Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said, "I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being conscious of living." This describes how I feel perfectly! Writing to me is so much more than the physical pleasure of a pen between my fingers and paper beneath my palm. It's so much more than fingertips clickity-clacking on a keyboard. Writing to me is essential to living, or at least to my life. It's a childhood love of mine which has given me the creative outlet in which I so desperately craved. And through it, the ability to express the things in my everyday life that are often too difficult for me to verbalize. That alone is a gift in itself! Nevermind if you posses real writing talent or not.

There's no doubt about it, I'm a music junkie! And I enjoy a very wide genre - anything from Marilyn Manson, to Frank Sinatra, to Jay-Z, to Pink Floyd, to John Mayer, to the Black Eyed Peas. Should I keep going on? I just like to mix it up. You'll rarely find me at my desk without my iPod on. It's glued to my head during workouts, while walking the pup, and cranked in my car while driving. To me, the invention of the mp3 is better than sliced bread! Music has the ability to change my mood and clear my mind. It can pump me for an MMA fight or calm me down after a stressful day at work. It can make you smile, make you cry, make you sing, make you dance, and of course make you reminisce. Is there anything music can't do? Music isn't just the soundtrack TO life, it's the soundtrack OF life.

My English Bulldog Diesel (AKA, my BFF)
What can I say about this 45lb chunk of meat that I haven't already said before? I love him. Really. Truly. Deeply. Love. Him. I do things for and with my dog for one simple reason - it makes me happy to see him happy. Really, that’s love in its purest form, completely unconditional. It's easy to see why dog is man’s best friend. He is loyal. He will never betray me. And his love is unconditional as well. It’s the perfect relationship! Call me crazy, but I honestly can't put into words how much this animal means to me. I think I love him far more than any human in my life. Is that bad? A woman can make me want to be a better man. But for Diesel, I want to be the man he thinks I already am.

Those are the top 3 things I can't live without. Well those and T.P. (toilet paper)

What can't you live without?

Legal Jargon: This post is a part of 20SB’s Blog Carnival: Can’t Live Without, and is awarding prizes to lucky bloggers and readers!

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