Are looks really everything? If you have half a brain, you answered no, but apparently not all people agree. After growing frustrated with the volume of “ugly people” on regular dating websites, three Australians (Michael Fox, James Duffy and Michael Knapp) have created a dating website for only the beautiful people. It’s called DarwinDating.com and if you’re ugly, it sucks to be you because they’re not interested in your witty sense of humor or sparkling personality. Nor are they interested if you are fat, bald or covered in acne. To put it simple, the ugly are not welcomed. If you were slapped with an ugly sticker at birth or just grew ugly over time, then you cannot signup and join. It doesn’t even matter if you are rich or famous, because if you’re ugly, it’s a no go.
The site is based on Darwin's theory of evolution – interpreted as meaning the most attractive of the species must be drawn together. Don’t feel too bad if this matchmaking website has turned you away because you aren’t alone. It is said that half of all British applications so far have been rejected.
The three Australian creators said they set up the website as a joke after getting fed up with crowds of ugly people on other dating sites, but rejects have failed to see the funny side and have bombarded them with hate mail. One rejected applicant wrote: “You are everything that's wrong in this world. Choke and die.” Spoken like a true bitter single who turns to cyberspace as a last resort in finding love, only to find themselves being rejected faster online than they were offline - ouch.
Now, I have good news for the Ugly Bettys out there. You can take comfort in the fact that when 26-year-old Michael Fox submitted his photograph, he was rejected by his own website! Oh the irony. Gotta love it!
Side Note: The actress that plays Ugly Betty really isn't that ugly in real life. Dare I say she's kind of cute? She actually is. Looks similar to Rachael Ray.
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