People who grew up in Hawaii will probably find it hard to believe that I've never stepped into Leonard's Bakery, home of the infamous malasada.
Don't get me wrong, I've eaten malasadas from Leonard's. But I usually got them at the Leonard's truck parked at carnivals and fairs. And I always enjoyed the airy Portuguese-style donuts coated with sugar that would get all over your clothes and around your mouth.

So after dinner with my family one night, I suggested that we get some malasadas. Arriving at Leonard's, which remains open at night for people with the munchies along with tourists, I thought I'd find a fancy slick bakery. I mean, these people probably made millions selling malasadas.
But walking inside, the bakery looked like it probably did when it originally opened in 1952. It was a tiny bakery, with a small neighborly feel and a variety of baked goods in the glass counter. None of the malasadas are on display because they're kept fresh in the back where someone's probably making them non-stop.

The classic sugar malasadas were what I remembered, really fluffy but messy to eat. As an adult, maybe now the malasadas might be too sweet for me. The cinnamon malasadas actually was disappointing because I could barely taste the cinnamon in the sugar.
And here are the three filled malasadas. I cut each one in half so you could see the filling.

Of all these malasadas, I have to say I'm old-fashioned and probably would have been happy with just the classic. I also heard there's a new bakery in town competing for the malasada crown, but I didn't have time to compare the two. But it would have a big challenge ahead to topple the malasada king that is Leonard's.
Leonard's Bakery, 933 Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu. PH: 808.737.5591. Open 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday through Thursday; and 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday. www.leonardshawaii.com
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