Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just Say It!

There are a lot of idiots/geniuses out there that shoot their mouth off (me being one of them). And I wish there was more of them.

Why? Because for every idiot/genius there are 1,000 other people that are terrified to say what they really want to say and should say! They're so scared of what other's will think and how they will be perceived for not conforming to popular opinion. They are worried they will be embarrassed, ridiculed, or shunned for speaking up.

And if they call you a jerk, so what?

Take it from someone who has never held back when it comes to sharing what's on his mind. There are far more people that admire my ability to speak my mind than those that loathe me for it.

I see this after I write a strongly opinionated post here on my blog. I will always get a half dozen e-mails or so from people that may have been too scared to leave a public comment saying they agree with me, but feel comfortable doing so privately. Although, maybe those that think I'm a jerk are just too scared to speak their mind (publicly or privately) and tell me? That could be the case too.

I'm not condoning being offensive. I'm condoning being real and honest. Of course sometimes being real and honest doesn't always sit well with others. But if you want transparency in your relationships (from business to love), that's the price you have to be willing to pay. Genuine, open communication is quite rare and that's very sad.

So to people like Kanye West who has stuck his foot in his mouth on numerous occasions, I applaud you.

I don't applaud you for saying moronic things, but rather for having the balls to actually say how you truly feel! Moronic or not.

Sure you may regret the words the minute they part from your lips. But don't ever regret the fact that you have the courage to speak your mind, something few have.

Fuck biting your tongue. It may lead to controversy and some may hate you for it, but at least what you have to say will be interesting. Interesting is hard to ignore.

Say what you think. Say what you feel. Say it clearly. Say it now. And say it without fear. Just say it!

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