Thursday, March 31, 2005

First Ever Mac Commercial

Funny, but hardly anyone seems to remember (including myself since I was too young at the time) that during the 1984 Super Bowl, while the Los Angeles Raiders were crushing the Washington Redskins, a commercial aired introducing the world to the first ever Macintosh computer.

"Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology. Where each worker may bloom secure from the pests of contradictory and confusing truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!"

Dramatic, yes. I know this "news" is about a month or so old, but I forgot about posting it until now.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Income Tax Time

It's that time of the year again, time to file your income taxes - boo. If you are like alot of people, you will put this off to the very last minute. Shame on you. That isn't a good thing, talk about major stress and pressure. Do you really want the IRS knocking at your door?

I on the other hand have already filed about a month ago and I'm now awaiting my check. So if you haven't started filing, then get cracking today. Nobody enjoys doing their income taxes or going to their accountant, but we all have to do it. Remember there are only 2 sure things in life...death and taxes. That's your nice uplifting thought for the day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Spring Break Memories

More than likely if you read my blog and you're still in college, than it is Spring Break time and you are either off partying it up...or you should be. So any other time I would praise you for visiting my blog, but in this case - what the hell is wrong with you? Get away from the computer and head to the beach! If you like alcohol, hooking-up and partying then Daytona, Cancun and Vegas are all perfect destinations.

Spring Break time was always my favorite part of college life, of course. How can you not love the much needed break from studying, tests and getting up at the break of dawn (yeah I'm talking about that super early 11AM class)? If you can't score over Spring Break than I'm sorry but you have no game whatsoever. Even the ugliest girls and the dorkies guys can succeed with the world's worst pickup lines! As far as the eyes can see, there are scantly clad drunken chicks that are more than willing to engage in meaningless one night stand sex. To put it simple, Spring Break is required curriculum which consists of the following courses...

  • Wet T-Shirt and Bikini Thong Pageantry 101
  • Body Shot Tutorial Guide with Hands On Instruction 101
  • Short Term Intro To Lesbian Lifestyles 101
  • Tour Of My Cheap Motel Room 101

and the most important of all classes...

  • I Won't Be Calling You After Tonight 101

Remember, it's always good to get away from the stale air smell of weed, beer and latex condoms filling the frat house. So embrace these 4 (or 4+ years for some of you) and live it up to the fullest because soon you will be a working stiff like the rest of us. You may be able to hold the keg stand record for life, but you can't stay a college student for life. Sad but true. (Unless you are Joe Francis the creator of the "Girls Gone Wild" video series. He is a frat boy for life! That's one lucky and very rich man.)