Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In A Good Place

I'm writing this post in the dark. Well, by candlelight to be exact. Also, by the white glare of my MacBook Air. It sounds kind of romantic. And a little geeky. Mostly, it sounds like me.

A big rig hit a transformer and knocked the power out to over 42,000 homes in my area. (Those who can't drive have no business being on the road, let alone behind the wheel of a giant truck! But I digress.) My world has been silent for exactly 3 hours now. By the time I publish this post, it will be morning. And with it, light. But for now I sit here in the absence of light and reflect. Ironic isn't it? The entire definition of reflection is to cast light on something, to show or mirror oneself. However, it's only in the dark, the physical dark, that I am able to see myself.

I feel indifferent. Or rather, I'm different. I'm back to being me again.

I'm no longer emotionally attached to any girl.
I'm no longer trying to impress any clients.
I'm no longer doing stupid/crazy shit strictly to get a cheap laugh from any of my friends.
And I'm no longer longing for either of my parents to validate me.

I'm ok with where I am. Who I am. What I'm willing to offer. And of how much I'm willing to take.

Actually, I'm more than ok. I'm in a good place. A simple place. An effortless place. A free place. A light place.

Sometimes you have to spend time in the dark before you can fully appreciate being in the light...and to recognize how good it feels to finally be back in it.

I'm in a good place. And I hope you are too.

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